Relationship advice

I’m really contemplating leaving my boyfriend, I’ve stopped being happy in our relationship. He is so mean to me & I see how other people are treated and then realize the way I’m treated is not normal. I’m constantly called names, everything I say he has to respond with something better or say that whatever I said was wrong, he hardly ever helps me with our baby. Tonight I asked him to rinse out our sons bottles & he got a attitude so I told him nevermind and he threw one of them at me, because he’s tired & has to get up early. Mind you our son is teething and just had surgery at 7 months old so I’m having to get up with him in the middle of the night and get up early with him. Butttt he’s tired. He talks negatively about literally everything and can never recognize the positive stuff in life. I want to do big things. I want to be talking about good things, not have to hold back a conversation because I’m scared of the response I’ll get or it turning into an argument. I want someone to hype me up, make me feel good about myself and not calling me names or make me feel bad for asking for help. I’m just stuck and I’m so sad. 😥