Postpartum healing

So I have my LO a month ago. My mom said it took her stitches 2.5 weeks to heal. I can still feel mine . I also am still having trouble pooping (like the push hurts too bad) and it stings when I pee( where the stitches are). I’ve been keeping it clean and I have not had sex or anything like that. I’m scared somethings wrong but I can’t get a good look . I can only feel....

I’m a first time mom and I’m kind of panicked.

The dr who delivered my LO said I only had one stitch but it feel like more . Experienced moms please ease my mind or tell me if I need to call my obgyn 😭

I’m coming to y’all first because I don’t have anyone to watch my LO so I do

T want to rush an appointment if I don’t need too