Surprise Pregnancy

Dani • Married 💍 11/05/16 - Little Boy 05/21/18 💙 Due 02/13/21 !!!! Truly Blessed 💕

Good morning mamas,

I just found out yesterday I’m pregnant which is truly shocking. The test turned positive within 20 seconds 🤦🏻‍♀️. I have been on birth control with no misses, I also track when I ovulate just to be on the safe side and yet here I am. My husband and I are torn, we have a son already (he just turned 2) but definitely weren’t ready for another quite yet. I was hoping to start trying next year.

So I guess my concern is I have been drinking lots of cough because I have been feeling extra tired (go figure) and been drinking alcohol on the weekends - either shots, mixed drinks or hard seltzer’s. Now I’m super concerned since I just found out that I may have harmed the baby. Anyone go through something similar and had a great pregnancy and healthy baby? Did you do any genetics testing to be sure?!

Help put this mamas mind at ease! Thank you!