Pregnant outside of your calculated fertility window?


The other day (Monday 6/8) my husband and I had unprotected sex. This was 4 days after my period ended. My cycle chart says I won’t be ovulating until 6/17 so I’m not sure how “likely” it is that I could be pregnant. I know sperm live up to 5 days in the vagina and whatnot BUT I took an ovulation test yesterday evening that (to me, at least) indicates that I’m ovulating. I took another test a moment ago and the line is much more faint (bottom test).

I just wanted to get some insight from some of you on why these two tests would indicate an LH surge and then be negative the next day. I find it improbable that I ovulate so close to the end of my period but I guess that is a possibility....

Also, this could be entirely in my head but the past couple of days I just “feel” pregnant. Lol. I have been extremely tired and nauseous and I know that sounds crazy because we just had sex 2 days ago.

Anyways thanks for reading would love to hear your thoughts :)