2 months late and BFN’s 🤦🏾‍♀️

Déja • 30 years young; Christ representer ; married for 7years ❤️; mommy of a 8yr. old princess named Skylar Monét. Expecting baby no. 2 July 2021💙🙏🏾🥰

This is a first! My cycle has been regular my whole life(except for February due to working out, even then it came on a week later than expected). Here i am, Cycle day 59, period late by 29 days so basically I’m about to miss another cycle this month! Made a Drs appt for last week and he have me a urging preg test and it was negative but he scheduled me for an ultrasound just to be sure. Went in today and the tech was friendly but she hardly said anything! Every time I asked a question she just smiled as if “I can’t say”. I was looking as much as I could to see if I saw a gestational sac but the “invasive” ultrasounds took my anxiety through the roof! 😂 well, I go back again next Wednesday to get the results of the ultrasound. My husband is super excited still believing that God has worked a miracle in our behalf! I want to be excited with him but i also don’t want us both to get our hopes up and be let right back down. Pray there’s a cute little stubborn baby baking in there sent straight from heaven! This would be the best birthday gift ever (July28) 🙏🏾🙏🏾💙💙💙👑👑👑