Routine eye

Stormy • Stormy, 29 🌻 Divorced. Baby #1 born 4/19/18 after 19 months TTC with tubal insufficiency! Baby #2 born 01/26/21 after issues with ovulation and an incompetent cervix.

So I just left my routine annual eye exam. They did my retinal photos since they don’t like to dilate your eyes while pregnant. When the doctor was going over my photos with me, he told me I have something called a CHRPE and that while most are no big deal, mine is abnormally shaped. It also wasn’t present on previous retinal images. Apparently, abnormal CHRPE lesions can (rarely) be associated with colon cancer so now I’m supposed to go to my primary doctor to talk about that. He felt it was important enough that he was going to fax a letter to my primary doctor about it. How? How does a routine eye exam turn to that? What the actual f*ck?

P.S. I’m not freaking out or scared. Just very confused by the correlation between the two very different things.