Doesn’t feel “real” yet


I’m a first time mom/first pregnancy. It just doesn’t seem real that a baby is about to come out of me and be here...everyday lol

Is anyone else like this? It was totally planned and I’m beyond excited as I’ve wanted a child for years but it’s like something is keeping me from really believing it.

I know she is there. She moves every 2 seconds. It’s a been a very difficult pregnancy with pre term labor issues, emergency cerclage, lots of pains, and basically “any day now she will be here” since 28 weeks. I even get weekly growth scans so I totally know there is a baby in there lol.

Maybe it is my minds way of not getting my hopes up Incase something happens. Idunno. It’s just odd I think. I don’t think it is a depression issue. I’m excited and calm at the same time. Even every time something goes wrong with the pregnancy I’m calm and rational.

Does anyone else feel this way or did their first time? Or am I just boncors?