Son wants to nurse again?


When my son was born, he was exclusively breastfed for about 2.5 months. We started supplementing with formula because he wasn’t gaining enough weight, and after about a month of supplementing, we switched fully to formula because he preferred the bottle. Now, about 4 months later, he’s not been finishing all of his bottles fully for about a week (which he’s never had a problem with, and they’re not any fuller than they have been in the last month or so) and he’s been pulling at my shirt and mouthing my chest as if he wants to nurse. I’m currently 3 months pregnant with our second and am fairly certain I’m completely dried up since it’s been about 4 months since he stopped nursing. Is this normal? Should I be trying to accommodate him wanting to nurse? Is it just a baby’s way of being clingy? I’m not sure what to do 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔