Clomid symptom or implantation bleeding?


Hello ladies!! I need some help or insight on what on earth is happening to me! I will try to make this as short as I can.

A little backstory, my fiancé and I have been TTC for a year in July! I came to find out that my body did not release an egg when I ovulated and my progesterone levels were low! The end of May I took my first round of 50mg clomid.

So over this past weekend, I had cramping and right sided pelvic pain. Monday I had my progesterone drawn to see how my body reacted to clomid and if it helped boost! (TMI coming next) I went to pee and 5 minutes later I felt something coming out (the same feeling as if you were starting your period). When I wiped, it was A LOT of creamy light pink discharge. So naturally, I assumed that I was possibly implanting.

So onto Tuesday, my dr called to go over the clomid results. THEY WERE WONDERFUL!! My body reacted so good to the clomid and she told me that I had a good chance at being pregnant, but to keep in the back of my mind that it might not happen and we would have to go another round.

Today.....(TMI coming next with picture) I went pee this morning and when I wiped it was dark brown. Just one swipe and it was gone. So I again, naturally thought implantation was successful! After this I started to wonder if it could just be from the clomid making me spot. During the day today I peed a couple more times and didn’t have anything except creamy discharge.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated and I give baby dust to all of you!! We all need so much love and support because I am only in the beginning stages of this and it is very emotional!