Husband wants to try for a baby

I have daughter and he has one as well. We don’t have any children together. so I had crazy baby fever after we got married (2018), and he wasn’t about it, saying it wasn’t the right time, we should wait until we buy a home (valid points). Well somewhere down the line the baby fever just left the country.

He has been nearly begging to try for a baby of our own. I feel terrible and so conflicted and I have NO CLUE WHY. I love this man more than anything, and he is such an amazing, patient, present dad to both of our girls. I feel deeply that I’d be so lucky to have a child with him, and the child would be lucky to have him as a daddy.

Why can’t I get myself to try without chickening out last minute then? It’s what I want too, but yet I can’t bring myself to do it, and it makes me so confused. Have any of you been in the same boat? Any advice?