PMDD. Please anyone ?


Hi ladies.

I’m writing because it’s 2:55 am. I haven’t slept more than a few hours a night in 3 days. I’m tired..I’m overwhelmed, and confused. My husbands in Alabama working and I’ve been moving me and my 3 children into our new home while he’s been gone. For over a year I’ve been dealing with debilitating anxiety. I’ve seen two OB’s and a therapist. I am NOT interested in just being thrown onto a medication. I have been endlessly reading and studying about PMDD and I KNOW that’s what’s going on with me. Nothing else makes sense. Almost down to every single physical and mental symptom. I’ve been journaling and intensely tracking everything about my periods since October and realized I feel great and for the most part am in complete control of my life, my feelings, thoughts, actions, and emotions. Then it’s almost time for my period. Usually within 2-4 days of my period starting I begin to feel CRAZY. Out of control. Crying. Feeling rage. Overwhelming sadness and fatigue. The worst part is, I am alone besides my wonderful children who obviously don’t know that mama is suffering so incredibly. I know they see the changes though... I know they see me be more withdrawn, but I push my way past it to make sure they never have to carry the burden of my issues. I need to know if someone, anyone has this disorder as begin to point me in the right direction. I know not every fix works for everyone but if you could tell me ONE thing that might help me, it could really change my day around. My periods in two days and I feel so helpless. I just want to feel better


One willing Mama