I’m scared about telling my employer im pregnant, help!

Im 10 weeks pregnant, and me and my husband feel so blessed to be starting this journey

The only negative, is telling my employer!

I’m his only staff member, and I have been there 2 years

And I can’t help but feel guilty, his business has suffered massively because of the pandemic (having to close for 12 weeks so far, and having to relocate premise) that I just don’t know how he’s going to take my news

I was scared to tell him anyway, as he’s not the best with my employer rights e.g I only had 2 weeks holiday last year, as most was refused (meaning no time of around my wedding, and no honeymoon yet)

Forever paying me late, or incorrectly

Putting clients back to back, so I have no lunch during a 11 hour shift

The list is endless

I’ve been wanting to leave for so many months; but needed the money for our wedding, and then needed 6 months wage slips for our new mortgage

So I’ve just grinned and bared it

Sorry for the rant, I’m just unsure what to do, or where I stand

I’m also located in the UK if this helps

And wondered if anyone is in a similar sitiuation