The struggle of TTC in your 20s

Sorry I have to rant...I feel like trying in your 20s is hard because people think that you are young and that you have all this time to have a baby.

When my period comes and I get upset that this isn't my month and want to chat to a friend about it they always say "don't worry your young" "you have all the time in the world" "it will happen at some point"

I don't want to hear that I'm young and that I have time. My husband and I have been together for 7 years and we want to start a family, people just say that we are young kinda crushes me. Anyone else feel like this? Yes I'm 24, I am young but why is that the first thing people say when I'm sad about not being pregnant.

I'm on my 7th cycle, what cycle are you guys on? And anyone feel the same?