Need opinions!


Hi everyone! I hope y’all are feeling well! I’ve been so lucky to have such a healthy, easy pregnancy so far!

I’m a school teacher-6th grade middle school. I’m struggling with the decision of when to take leave.

We go back to school August 19 and I will be 36.3 weeks by then. I’m due 9.13. I’m struggling to decide if I should start the year or not.

Two things stick out to me:

-My fear of going into labor at school

-Is it best for my students to switch from me to a sub to me again?

I’m seriously 50/50 on this. Part of me wants to start the year because I love my job and have missed being in school since March due to the closure. Part of me feels like working for only 3 weeks is somewhat pointless.

Any thoughts or opinions to help me make this decision would be appreciated!! My husband says “whatever you want babe” haha- supportive but not helpful 😂

Help me!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😩