2 weeks late negative test..

Ok so I’m 2 weeks late, I have been under a lot of stress the last few weeks with the pandemic and both my parents being unwell and my partner losing his job and not getting our dream home.. now I haven’t felt overly stressed I’ve been trying to keep calm etc I have several symptoms, sore breasts exhausted and tender cramping - I took a test today and it was negative so obviously I’m not pregnant so what else could it be? I was tested for PCOS and endometriosis last year due to some worry but I’m absolutely fine but now I’m wondering what’s wrong.. is it just stress? Is there a reason for missing a cycle? I feel like I’m googling things 24/7!!!! I’ve also had 2 miscarriages in the past so as much as I can’t wait to have a baby I do get scared of the what if part..

Any advice welcome.. thanks