Do you still lactate after breastfeeding?

I found a mass on right breast - had ultrasound and Dr confirmed it’s actually a clogged milk duct - she said I have milk in all my ducts

I haven’t breastfed in 9 years and this is shocking to me

She said some women just continue to produce milk for years, for some it never goes away

I’ve been TTC almost a year and no luck (baby #2)

Cycles are normal and all of that - blood work was normal but I’ll be asking for hormone blood draw tomorrow. I’ve had TSH baseline checked before it was normal so was prolactin

How does this happen? Anyone have an idea as to why I’d randomly get a clogged duct 9 years later? Dr said could be early pregnancy which I doubt I just had my period. I even took a pregnancy test this morning which was negative. Any advice?

To remove the clogged duct dr recommended as usual - massage and hot compresses / shower and it’s helped but it’s still not gone. Would it be nuts to hand pump just a bit?