Do I want to sleep with other people?

I’ve been dating my guy for a little over a year now. It became pretty evident that his sex drive is lower than mine.

It almost resulted in arguments because he can be a little selfish when we do have sex. Anyway I’ve kinda just conditioned myself not to expect anything from him anymore.

I’ve turned to reading porn, watching porn, masturbating, etc. The content only gets nastier by the day.

Lately my sexual frustration is not being taken care of from masturbation. My vibrator doesn’t do it for me and its kinda sad lol.

So I’ve had dreams. Sex dreams. Dreams of sleeping with other men other than my boyfriend. This has never happened before and I have to say I’m enjoying them. It’s almost every other night now. I can’t control this and the guilt is real. It’s never the same person more than once.

I’ve heard dreams can be premonitions or your subconscious trying to tell you something? Am I reading too far into this? I don’t want to cheat on my boyfriend nor do I think I will. There’s no desire to be disloyal. But it does feel wrong. Do I tell him about this? Or is there really no point, it’ll only make him feel bad obviously. I haven’t actually done anything wrong. But I can’t help but wonder.. do I secretly want to sleep with other people?