I can’t remember if I was sexually abused when I was little


I can’t remember if I was sexually abused when I was little

So a couple years ago I started having this feeling that my dad did something to me when I was younger. The feeling has gotten stronger lately. I have dreams of him raping and molesting me. I have no actual memories but I swear something happened. I feel super uncomfortable around him and the vibes with him are just really weird. I’ve told my mom and she didn’t deny it. I accidentally left my bathroom door open a crack and saw him looking in after i showered, hes touched my ass, he’s left the door open while peeing so I’ve seen his d*ck, he’s made a joke about me stripping, i used to have problems wetting the bed, and i have most symptoms of a sexually abused child. Can anyone give me some insight or their opinion? I don’t know what to do or how to remember. I want a concrete memory so I can cut him out of my life.