

Alright ladies, I'm not on here much but I'm getting kinda desperate now. I am going on 25 years old and me and my boyfriend have been trying off and on for 6 years to have a child. When we first got together we were both treated for clymidia and cleared. I had the nexplanon in my arm for 2 years afterwards. During the 2 years I did nothing but bleed. It was suppose to help my periods bc they are super heavy and painful.. after I had the birth control removed I stopped it all together. Due to the fact that it made everything worse.. for 2 years after that i spotted up to 15 days before starting my period.. i am now only spotting up to 5 days before starting. I dont know when I ovulate bc everytime I test its always the same.... my dr told me to start taking prenatals to help put everything on track so I did for a while off and on and everything seems to be back on track except the extra spotting... we have had no luck with ttc... which brings me to my questions. P.s. this is most of my story more info is there if asked not hiding anything!

Is it possible to ovulate while on your period?

Is there more to my body that maybe I'm missing or the dr isn't seeing?

Any ideas on what to do at this point?

Any help would be great!!