Hcg stopped doubling


I've had 2 miscarriages in the last 2 years.

All conceived in May.

Including this baby.

I started spotting on June 1st

Very light small clotting. Doctor wasn't too worried since hcg was still doubling, in fact tripling. Cervix still closed.


6/1 1pm 16

6/1 11pm 26

There was the bleeding

6/3 88

6/6 429

6/8 794

6/11 1131

Went for an u/s on the 11th with result of pregnancy of unknown location.

Basically he didnt find anything.

Why would my hcg stop doubling.

My doctor is assuming this is an ectopic and having a repeat u/s on Monday.

I do have some pain on my left side but he did find a cyst on that ovary. Hopefully just that??

I'm just so out of hope at this point.

This is the furthest we've made in a pregnancy. My doctor appointment on the 11th was exactly a year after our last miscarriage.

I'm not bleeding or really cramping.

But also really don't feel pregnant either.


I am on a progesterone supplement

Progesterone on

6/1 1.1 (lowest my doctor has ever seen with early pregnancy)

6/3 33

They haven't been concerned with it since