Anyone share this experience??


Good afternoon, ladies!

I have been TTC since July 2019.. I have used OPKs most months and maybe 3 cycles (including this one) of BBT in conjunction.. this cycle I had a late ovulation on CD21 (earliest had been CD13 and average around CD15) confirmed with OPK and BBT.. my question is I had a drop in my temp (13DPO) but it was still above the cover line (97.61 and cover line is 97.32).. last night (12DPO) I had some very light spotting (dark brown and only when I wiped twice). I understand that implantation bleeding is relatively ester but AF isnt due until Sunday and my LP is always consistently 14 days after confirming ovulation.

Anyone share this experience and get a BFP?? I understand that I can’t look at one temp and that a decreasing temp could indicate AF coming.. but I wonder if it comes back up and stays re-elevated that I might turn out pregnant