

Hi guys just looking for a bit of advice. Me and my husband have been trying to conceive baby number 2 for 5 years nearly. Anyway I’ve had to take the pill to stop my prolonged bleeding I did this and randomly started bleeding again. I could start my period at any time but I’ve been feeling proper sick and actually been sick on 2 occasions but the app tells me I’m due on on Monday. I’m trying to tell myself not to jump to conclusions I won’t be pregnant surely and my period will start tomorrow, as I’ve been heartbroken with the results in the past. But a little bit of me is starting to get excited which I’m scared about. I’m holding off testing till next week but do you guys think it sounds like I could be or am I over thinking things. I have also had proper sore boobs and bloating which isn’t like me with constant headaches and feeling dizzy?

Thank you guys x