Anyone experience a Copper odor?

Katie • I`m 26 years old and ttc for three years. 4th cycle going to the fertility specialist doing natural cycles.
We've been ttc for 3 years and for the last 3 months I've taken progesterone suppository 400 mg 2X a day with Lupron shot on Day 21. This month we're having sex almost everyday (husband is nicknamed SuperSperm so no worries about every other day). The past two times we've had sex there has been a copper odor. I've been using Preseed every time. And I haven't felt any friction or pain so I don't think I've hurt anything in there. Plus I'm making myself drink more water, I'm at about 2 liters a day to increase cervical fluid.
I asked ob/gyn they said it could be the extra hormones but my pap smear (taken just last week) was perfect and there is no infection. There is no discharge just the smell is present. So if it persists to call back.
Has anyone else had a copper odor?