Borderline or bipolar?


Kind of needed a rant because I don’t have any friend I can get this off my chest to 😅

For years I’ve been getting treated for borderline personality disorder. The diagnosis was made by a psychiatrist who I had one appointment with, but because a lot of the symptoms matched, it was always just accepted and treated that way. I was also diagnosed with depression when I was 13 by a different psychiatrist who I saw a few times, so since I was 16, I’ve been getting treated with antidepressants and DBT.

I had a 291 assessment when my regular GP went into more depth with me about my experiences and why my medication wasn’t particularly helping the way it should despite being on different antidepressants for 5 years now. She suspected there was something else going on.

Turns out, matching with my GP’s suspicions, the psychiatrist I recently just saw believed it is bipolar disorder and diagnosed it as such.

Is anyone here willing to share their experiences with their treatment of bipolar? I’m scared to start mood stabilisers because I’ve read and been told such mixed experiences. But regardless, I’m finally happy I’ll be able to gain some stability and maintain it, not just on an “up week”.