My birth story

May 25 around 3 am I started having contractions. They weren’t really painful, so I just took a bath. I got out around 5 and just sat on the couch in the living room, watching this kid wife show on Netflix. I don’t really remember much, but knew I basically labored at home for 7 hours or so. I told my mom I was having contractions, and she told me to go to the hospital. I went to the hospital to get checked in, and I was already 3-4 cm dilated. Honestly it went by so fast. I planned to go natural, like I did with my first born. (I’m so strong wheeled 🤪) the contractions were bearable, I honestly think the pushing was worse (still bearable) than the contractions. Next thing I knew I was at a 9, then a 10 and I was pushing. My nurse asked how I stayed calm during my contractions. Because I literally smiled through it 😂. And my OB said I was ‘phenomenal.’ When I was pushing I was making grunting noises and within 10 minutes my second son was here.... btw why was I making these noises? It was like the exorcist coming out of me... and when they put my son on my chest he smelled like poop so I’m sure I pooped everywhere 😫😖 my sweet rainbow baby was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long! A whole pound bigger than my first born. And I had a second degree tear (which I felt myself tear while pushing) I wished I could do it all over again....