Could this be endometriosis ? Please help me

I'm 24 with 3 children there is a few people in my family that's got it . 
​I have sore boobs they feel very heavy . I have constant sever pains in my belly just above my bits and serve back ack all the time I get shooting pains in between my legs . I've always had normal periods never no pain and only ever on for 3 days . The past few months when I have come on try are lasting up to 2 weeks and extremely painful . Every morning I'm having to take painkillers to take the pain away and again through out the day . I am scared of going to the doctors although I have just been recently for some Swobs and a smear as I have been bleeding but it was a pink colour and not due on my period for another 2 weeks . I have t yet mentioned about my other sysptoms due to being scared as my mum is due to have everything removed due to having endometriosis and with my age I'm scared . Please some one help :(