Hard immobile breast lump

abc • Mother of a little girl, boy and angel

I’m seeing my doctors Monday but thought I’d see if anyone else has had this and I know it’s in the wrong group but most people come on this one!

So I have a pea size lump on the side of my breast, about 1cm-2cm it doesn’t move at all. It’s abit sore if I try and squeeze it I don’t even know when it came up I only noticed yesterday. On my other nipple, ive got some freckles that have come up and two moles that are growing (seen docs over one of the moles before) there very small but are growing. Now I’m freaking my nana had Breast cancer I’m only 21 so very young and I know it’s unlikely. I have had my little boy 7 weeks ago and I bottle feed so no milk supply. Has anyone else gone through this?