Heartbroken.. I don’t understand

I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend hasn’t had sex with me since I was only 18 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I asked him if he’s afraid of hurting our baby and he told me no. Off and on since we’ve last had sex he will tell me he’s in the mood then will find some excuse. I’m going insane not being touched.

From the time that I conceived up till I was almost 19 weeks he was touching me and sex was absolutely amazing. I’m the most faithful person out there so yes I’ve tried the whole toy thing and it’s just not doing the justice. Like I need intimacy really bad not idk how to bring it up to him how he makes me feel. Like he told me he wants more kids but not being touched for almost 4 months is beyond ridiculous. My oldest kids dad touched me up till I was 38 weeks. I feel like I’m alone in this. Like I said idk how to tell him how I feel. He has used the kids as an excuse why he hasn’t touched but that never seemed to be the problem or I wouldn’t be pregnant right now. I’ve been going to he crying myself to sleep for months because I just want my man to fucking touch me. I’m so grateful that our baby is healthy but I just don’t know what would you do if you were in my shoes?