Imagining the smell of cigarette smoke?


So for the past few weeks I will randomly get the overwhelmingly strong scent of cigarette smoke. It smells like someone is sitting right next to me puffing away. This smell will tip off my nausea and leave me either puking or feeling miserably close to puking.

Now, I've never been a smoker and neither is my husband - I'm 100% certain he isn't smoking secretly or anything. I usually smell it in the evenings when we are watching TV but I'll randomly smell it throughout the day when he is at work as well. Sitting on the toilet, washing dishes, changing a diaper.... it's so weird? We live in a house, not an apartment, so it's not a smoking neighbor. Nobody else lives with me besides my husband & kids.

I'm going crazy because I'm tortured by this smell that is seemingly coming out of nowhere but is so strong it makes me puke! Has anyone else experienced this?