Any women here conceived via IVf? Question for you.

So my fertility clinic has given me my discharge instructions for my medications according to the age of the embryo but my OB is going by my LMP which is annoying. So my OB is saying I’ll be 9 weeks by my LMP June 30th but my fertility clinic is saying I’ll be 10 weeks June 30th by the age of my embryo (3 day) I stop my PIO and estradiol at 10 weeks and progesterone pill at 12 weeks according to my instructions that has specific dates. Which should I go by? I measured at 6+4 on the 10th so I should be measuring at 7-8 weeks now but just because I’m measured at 7 weeks, doesn’t make me 7 weeks. Especially with a 3 day embryo.

Transfer was May 8th. FET