I can’t wrap my head around what my body is trying to do


Hi! I don’t know if this is the right group to post in, but I just need to hear other thoughts and I’m hoping that someone has had a similar situation like mine.

My husband and I have been TTC for close to 2 years now. We are both currently 22 & 23, so ideally age wouldn’t be a conception issue. I was getting slightly nauseated in the mornings, food was especially smelly, I was exhausted all the time. I was starting to have symptoms. With that I finally tested positive, twice, last week and got extremely excited. The lines were faint, but there, and I learned from this app that if there is something there it means positive.

I tried to make an appointment with the OB the following day, and they wouldn’t accept me until they knew how far along I was, and they would not do the bloodwork to confirm. So I called my family doctor and had them do bloodwork, which made me extremely anxious to have to wait 24 for results. They took my blood and called me the next day because they saw very low levels of HCG and wanted to do it 48 hours later to see if the levels doubled. So the following day they drew blood again.

At this point I’ve waited close to 4 days for a confirmation. They call me in for a discussion about my results, and they told me my levels did not double, and they were below .02, so they had to deem me “not pregnant”. I was extremely heartbroken. I couldn’t wrap my head around 2 positive tests at home, the symptoms I was having, to just have the doctor tell me that there’s nothing there.

The doctors referred me to an imaging practice, and they did a transvaginal ultrasound. The lady who did the ultrasound said she wouldn’t be able to see anything until 5 weeks, but she would give it a shot. She found nothing. No baby, no pregnancy, no miscarriage, no ectopic. She couldn’t give me an answer either.

I’m currently waiting out the weekend to try and see a gynecologist this upcoming week, but I was wondering if anyone else has had a situation like this? How should I continue with my lifestyle? I used to vape heavily, but I quit cold turkey for a baby. My stress, anxiety, and depression is awful and I’m afraid to try and relax myself with vaping because what if there is a chance of me being pregnant?

Ultimately I’m extremely confused and upset about all of this. The doctors have been great and did what they could, but I’m angry with myself and my body. I’m livid that I’m struggling like this. I just want to be like everyone else and just have a baby. I’ve done nothing but lay in bed since Friday and cry because I have no idea what to do and my depression is keeping me immobile.

Im sorry this post is long and please comment if you need clarification. Also I should note that I have PCOS and I haven’t had a period since late Feb/early March.

Thank you for reading, unfortunately I can’t TDLR this because it’s too complicated.

Edit: I’ve added pictures of the positives below. I heard that if there is any line it’s positive. Or have I made a fool of myself? :(