Anyone taking kids to gym?


My gym opened back up a couple of weeks ago. I am a SAHM so before Covid my 3 year old would come to the gym with me and go to the kids area (it’s a whole separate wing within the gym) this was our routine every other day during the week and I would workout for close to 90 mins and she would play with the other kids and the staff that watch them.

So the kid area opened back up 2 days ago and they are doing reservations online for 1 hour intervals and only allowing a few kids in each age group to come during that hour. Then they will break for an hour and clean.

My daughter misses her gym. I miss going during the day with her and not having to wait for my husband to get home so I can do a quick workout then rush home and finish dinner.

The staff will be wearing masks, taking their own temperatures (they have to do that to us upon entering the gym as members) and the kids will be using hand sanitizer frequently.

What do you all think? Do you Think it is worth it? Would you let your child go with all these safety measures in place? I’m so conflicted.

Not that it matters but we pay a lot to go to the gym and pay extra for the childcare. My state currently has 12,000 cases since March