TTC is exhausting


We have been trying for eleven months now. So far this month we have been having sex every other day to every couple days..... until I got my peak ovulation test and then I ask him if he’s ready to put a baby in me showing him my test and he says sorry not in the mood. Which of course I’m not going to pressure him... but its frustrating because we didn’t have sex the day I got my peak, and he also wasn’t in the mood the next two days after. So we are out this month because he didn’t even want to try.... I just feel like I’m the only one putting in effort 😩 does anyone have any advice on how to make sex not feel like a chore anymore? I want a baby so bad and he does too... I just feel so discouraged...

Also if anyone has any advice on how to not be upset with him when things like this happen please share... I hate feeling so upset and frustrated with him.