Not again!!!!


May 25th, 2020 my app informed me that I was 4 days late with the 1st day of my last period being April 25th. So I took a digital pregnancy test and it came back positive so I took another clear blue test and same results but faint plus sign. Repeated again with 2 pick dye test and same. Based off my last period my due date would be January 30th,2021. My S/O and I only had intercourse May 1 and May 8 and nothing since.

So today I went to my 1st doctor's appointment (7weeks,3days) for her to say I am measuring at 4weeks. Hold up that makes no sense at all. There was only a sac no baby. This has happened to me before back in April of 2015 which ended in a Blighted Ovem after DNC. 5 months later I was pregnant again but resulted in another miscarriage. Since then I have given birth as a surrogate in 2018 and birth to my own child in 2019.

The doctor stated that since I just stopped breastfeeding that it could have caused me to ovulate differently. Whatever that means. She has now rescheduled me to return in two weeks 06/29/2020. To see if anything changes. My hopes are low because I finally accepted this pregnancy and was looking forward to having my last child before 30. It looks like I might have to look forward to disappointment.