Since becoming pregnant, have you had an increase of moments of Deja Vu?


Since before I can remember, I have always had Deja Vu episodes. My mother had them when she was a child, and only occasionally has them now. I've spoken to her about it numerous times and she had very similar experiences with it as I have. When I was a child, they were so strong that I literally had to lie down for a few hours to "reset" my brain, taking a nap was probably the best solution for me. It would make me feel super sick, nauseous, dizzy, and a bit confused, as if everything that happens is set in a box or all that exists is fit into it all. My mother said her's used to be like that too, but eased up as she got older. None of my other siblings speak much of Deja Vu so I assume they might not experience the same or similar thing. I'm thinking more than likely, this may be passed down to my baby and I want to be able to teach her how to work with it and what it may mean for her. For me, I feel like it's the strongest when I'm on the "right" path, meaning I'm following my heart, doing the things that bring me joy, and if I had a question or wasn't sure i was doing life right, Deja Vu would strike to remind me that everything is ok. Recently, ever since becoming pregnant, my dejavu occurrences have been happening more and more frequently, and without the sure feeling of everything being ok, I almost go into a panic. They have also cut down in length, usually they'd last for an hour or so after the episode if I could nap. Now they barely last a half a second, and they happen quite often. I've been researching Deja Vu for many, many years, since I was a teenager, because it would affect me so bad that I needed answers. Health professionals believe that it's an issue with memory and close to what might be a seizure, and misfiring of certain neurons. I almost believed that until one day, I recounted exactly what would happen before it happened outloud with a friend of mine. I told them I was having deja vu and these things are about to happen. He laughed at the time and said yea, ok. And then everything that I mentioned would happen, happened and my friend ran out of the room because he thought it was really freaky. So in my experience, to say it's just a misfiring of neurons takes away from the potential aspecr of spirituality it may have, and there is something else going on. Could be a window into the future moments, past, or calls from the other side and I want to know. I haven't had much luck finding others who have similar experiences but I'm curious to see if any soon-to-be mommas have, had, or are at all? Anyone really and what has your experience been like?

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