Funny story!

My sister in law is pregnant also and she’s due in December. She’s literally a week ahead of me. We both have boys and for our 2nd pregnancy we’re hoping for girls.. But why do I feel like she takes this pregnancy as a competition? I got my genetic screening done first and after I told her because she asked she said in such a furious way “mine is tomorrow!” Lol like ok? After both our genetic screening she came to me and said “I find out the gender in 2weeks” lol i was happy for her and all I said was “aww I’m so excited, me too” and after I said that she just HAD TO SAY “I find mine out first since I’m a week early” LMAO! like ok? It doesn’t even matter. I just think it’s funny but this is also my sister in law I don’t get along with and she is older than me. Lol. I swear it’s like a race to her. But I’m so cool with this because I love being pregnant! I don’t mind having another boy but I do want a girl!

Forgot to tell you guys my baby’s heartbeat was 163Bp and she goes up to me saying “my baby’s heartbeat is 164Bp I’m pretty sure it’s a girl” Like um ok?🤣