Moving on

Earlier today I posted on here pretty much stating I was in an abusive relationship, and I was. It wasn’t physical but he did grab me and has left bruises on me but he never closed fist hit me. Anyways. This dude has really gotten into my head. I haven’t seen him at all today and don’t plan on ever seeing him again. The problem is, my head is all messed up from this short lived fling. I know it wasn’t my fault but I was blind by what I was actually going thru or putting myself through at the time. I had to reach out to my friends and post on here. By no means am I dumb and can figure things out myself but he literally made me feel like what I was hearing wasn’t true and I’m a person who remembers damn near everything. Not perfect just saying I have a great memory. He would tell me things like I was making things up, or he never said that. Or even talking to family members of his, they would all say they never said what i heard them say. I am so glad I am out of that situation but at the same time, I still feel crazy like I did something seriously wrong, when I didn’t. I been talking about this all day trying to get it all out but something isn’t working out. He even told me he doesn’t care about me nor love me as he claimed. It’s all hurtful man. I know I shouldn’t have given this dude the time of day but I tried too hard to make it work, and also I try not to give up too easily. Idk I’m not really looking for advice on this just depressing I had to go thru yet another learning experience with a dude. Everything he was doing blamed it on me ugh then dudes wonder why women end up damaged or whatever. Sometimes I wish i could be as cold and heartless as others but I know that’s not who I am. I am literally going to file a divorce next month from my husband. I wasn’t looking to be played with. Maybe that’s what happens date while separated and men just think they can do whatever to you because they know your in a vulnerable place and they use that to their advantage. Which isn’t right. And I will never stand by that again!