6+4 vs 7+4!!!!

Kendra • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

We had our second ultrasound today and our rainbow baby is measuring great!!!! The heartbeat went from 114bpm to 157bpm!!!! Look at that growth!!!! You can see arms and legs! You can actually decipher a real head! Our next ultrasound is at 9+4. We are super pumped to see that one because, our little Nubbins will actually look like a full blown fetus at that point! We are so blessed! God is so great! Please God, let this baby grow and grow and grow and grow! Congrats on all of your pregnancies mamas! I'm praying for a happy and healthy 9 months for us all!😊🌈🌻💕

6+4 114bpm

7+4 157bpm (you can see little arms and legs!!!!🥰💕)

Here are the before and after shots next to one another!!!!