Covid19 and pregnant...

2 weeks ago I started showing signs of Covid19. I had also found out I was pregnant. I got the body aches... the fevers, chills, I lost sense of smell and taste... and then the shortness of breath started to happen. I started to cough even if I moved to my side and it was horrible.... I couldn't hold it anymore and had to be taken to the hospital... my husband dropped me off as he stayed with our 2 year old at home. I was poked with needles, tested for covid 3 times, I had a lot of things happen... I was admitted after not being able to breathe and suffocating. They gave me steroids for my lungs, put me on 40% oxygen, shots on my thighs to prevent blood clots... the pain was horrible and I could barely move. I was in the hospital a week.... those nurses and doctors are hard workers, I honestly dont know how they do it... I was so bad, to be honest one night I didnt think I was going to make it and they were afraid I was close to going to ICU and being intubated... thank the Lord I was pulled through. After receiving the plasma of a covid19 survivor, things started to get better. I am finally home after I no longer needed extra oxygen to breathe... but my body is scared and still in shock. I'm scared to lay down all the way in case I cant breathe again, I'm afraid to cough, to sneeze... I pray to God that I can get through this day by day. My husband is also positive for covid but he didnt get it as severe as I did... and i know my son has a form of sickness but he's doing well and no symptoms.

Please... keep my family and I in your prayers. I never would of thought this virus would hit so hard... but it did. I'm also 8 weeks pregnant... and having this virus makes me more nervous.