PCOS Blood test results normal - FEMARA?

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
So, my doctor called today to let me know my lab tests came back normal.  Thank goodness, finally something good in this mess, I was so worried my hormones would be out of control - one less thing to worry about.
A little blood test background:
I had a previous round of blood lab tests done about a year ago (before we knew I had PCOS), which included checking my levels of: progesterone, prolactin, and thyroid - all came back normal
My most recent round of blood tests included:  
DHEAS (male hormone production)
hgiba1c (diabetes)
Libids (molecules)
All came back normal
She said that just because my hormones are normal, does not mean that I don't have PCOS. 
It's weird, I have very irregular cycles, cysts on my ovaries, a little excess hair in places I wish it didn't grow, I get little skin tabs sometimes, I am about 8 pounds over what I should be, I get minor twinges on either side of my ovaries occasionally, and I have anxiety - all of these are markers for PCOS. I thought for sure something would be out of the normal with my blood tests.
She definitely wants to go forward with fertility meds, Clomid is the one she seems to want to put me on (not sure if Metformin is still in the picture).  She still needs to speak with the fertility specialist about my case.
I brought up the fertility drug Femara (aka: Letrazole), that I have been hearing from a few girls on the forums - apparently it is a good fertility drug for those like myself with PCOS.  She didn't seem familiar with the drug at all, but says that she will bring it up to the fertility doctor on Monday when she goes over my blood results with him.  
I should be hearing from her sometime early next week - hopefully sooner than later, I want to get this thing moving!
I will keep you all updated when I find out more from my doctor next week.
Baby dust to all of you!