Long rant , enjoy some tea from a stranger ☕️

Ever since I’ve gotten a job ,my stepdad would tell my mom I don’t have to pay for anything because he knows my plan with the money . Which is to save so i could build my own house .

She keeps trying to make me pay ( I don’t mind paying ) but I just got this job in May and she wants me to pay the water bill, internet bill, my phone bill and my car insurance + wants me to pay every time I go to the store with my sisters damn well know they spend $100+ . And this rant is because today she got a ticket in the mail and I was in my room and she screamed my name out so I went to her and she was like whose car is that . I was like not mines but blanks name so she was like call your dad and tell him to tell blank names to pay for it so I call my dad and put him on speaker so I starting explaining to him what was happening and he was like how much is it . So naturally I started saying the price and my mom cut me off and said a whole different price so I got mad and I said I’ll send you the pictures . So when we got off the phone I said why does she over  exaggerates the prices every time and she started arguing with me saying that I could pay the card fee and I said why would I pay for a ticket that’s not for my car and she was like call your dad that your paying for it and I said I wasn’t going to pay for something that’s not mine. Later that night I told my sister I was thinking of buying myself AirPods ( this would be the very first thing I buy myself over $100 ) and she had to audacity to say I was going to pay for the Xbox she bought for my little sister and I . But when we bought it she said I didn’t have to pay for it at all . Because I’m the only daughter that helps her with everything including the family business and her kids !! . I’m just pissed and don’t have no one to talk too . Plus my grandma has been in the hospital for almost a week and the doctors still don’t know what’s wrong with her and I’ve been stressed with school everything is just pulling me down :(