Our 2020 IVF story (so far)

JT • 5 yrs 2MMC, 1CP... delivered #1 and #2!!!🌈 🌈

I’m 40. We started our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle in March (while I was still 39), but had to quit partway through because my body was not cooperating.

Then came COVID-19.

We started again this month.

I only had 5 follicles after all the stims. (My left side didn’t even bother to play this month for some reason).

We had our retrieval on Friday... they got three eggs. My doc doesn’t use anesthesia, so I got to watch (and feel) the whole thing.

By some miracle all three eggs were mature and fertilized (ICSI).

On Monday we waited for our day three update all afternoon. Nothing. Turns out the cell lines were down and they coul I’m dn’t get through.

Tuesday evening we found out that the day before two were progressing and one was slow.

We went in on Day 5 (yesterday) for our transfer and found out we only had one blastocyst, but he said it was “nearly perfect.”

For my age and the number of eggs (or lack), I know we got lucky. The other two he said had healthy looking cells, but they just hadn’t changed much since Day 3.

They transferred all three anyway.

And now we wait. And hope. And pray.