Post partum depression and sleep

I am in need of legitimate help here, I’m in contact with my doctor/babies but it’s been close to ZERO help. My baby typically falls asleep between 7-9 (no matter how hard I try she refuses a schedule) by midnight she’s woken up over 5 times.. so maybe 10+ times a night.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve gotten 3+ hours of sleep. I’ve tried almost every method of sleep training and straight up CIO isn’t an option because we live in an apartment and can hear her two floors down when she’s screaming and crying.

I am at my wits end please don’t comment it’ll get better because I can’t keep waiting for the day it does. I’m about to just stop BF all together because I think that’s part of the problem. On days when I really get no sleep my mood and mental state is incredibly effected and I just need HELP I feel like no one is listening to me or giving me any helpful advice. She uses BF as a MAJOR crutch to fall back asleep which I wouldn’t have a problem with if she wasn’t waking up 10+ times a night. I just do know what to do.