I didn’t know what to say, I’m sorry


Hey, it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen you or talk to you. You’ve been in the memory facility for about five or six months. And because corona happened I haven’t had a chance to see you in person. I’m kind of happy that I don’t get a proper graduation, I don’t really want to walk across the stage if you can’t be there

You mean the world to me, I’m so sorry that when the phone was passed to me and do you were on the FaceTime call I didn’t know what to say. I miss you so much, but I didn’t know if I was not supposed to say certain things.

You must be so lonely and confused in there all alone. I wish I could come see you so we could Talk like we used to. You could tell me about your parents and when you would play tennis. And I could talk about my issues and you would always help me figure myself out.

I am so sorry, I’d give anything to talk to you again... please don’t forget about me. I love you so much