Would you say something?

If you had new neighbors that play basketball every night and the ball constantly goes into your drive way and hits your car?

Our houses are pretty close, our driveways are separated by a fence but I've already seen them getting the ball out of my driveway quite a few times and I've seen it hit my car 3 times in one night ( usually I'm inside but that time I was outside, I assume they hit it more often with how much it goes into my driveway) It's two adults ( 20s?) and a 13 or 14 year old

I don't want to talk to them about it and have any issues but my husband is pissed because their gutter flew off the house one night and scratched both of our cars and we let it go because it's obviously not their fault but now he's saying he's not going to let them ruin the cars with a ball. He's also already ticked because all you hear is that ball bouncing and them yelling all night while my baby tries to sleep.