Feeling sad lately...

So my husband and I have been together for 12 years and have been trying to get pregnant with assistance for the last year. We have completed several rounds of clomid and Femara. Last week we met with our doctor who actually pulled in a specialist. She told me I am not responding to any oral treatments and she feels it's time to move forward with a more agressive treatment. The specialist was very nice and explained everything to me and my husband. Looks like we are at the point of trying gonadotropin injections. The process is basically giving myself two injections daily and having follicle scans almost everyday. The doctor said the small percentage of women with PCOS that do not respond to oral treatments do well with these. The downfalls are the medicine alone is $1200 and each daily follicle scan is $70. This make the situation even more difficult. Also, sometimes over stimulation can occur which can lead to mass multiples and some condition that is painful and causes internal bleeding. Due to this, if too many eggs develop they discontinue the treatment.  :( I guess I'm just looking for any insight on similar experiences and any success stories. Thanks for listening, just need a boost lately.