Ex boyfriend still searches for me


Heyy everyone..Me and this guy were in love when we were young. Head over heels for each other. I ended up breaking up with him over a dumb reason.

Anyway, we have talked maybe 3 times since we were young, and this time -- i got on Twitter and found him. Each time we talk he tells me he's been looking for me. He doesn't have Facebook, insta.. which is what I use. He uses snap and twitter..which is how we found each other in the first place. Ill go and delete my snap bc my son gets on and messes with it (and I didnt download twitter).

I'm just not sure how to take it. And no hes not the player type at all..and now he lives in another state. This time he was like "i was looking for you but couldn't find you :("

So what do you all think