Show? Problem? Hmmm

Taylor • Momma to Princess Freya 💕 07/22/2020 & Aylin Belle 01/19/2022

Honestly I’m going crazy being pregnant. But aside from some spotting weeks ago I’ve had no bleeding or issues this pregnancy up until contractions and such more recently which is normal !! Woke up at 3 and had to pee, panty liner was clean and dry.

It’s now 4:30 am and I had to pee again, heartburn is keeping me awake and when I go to the bathroom the liner now has this brownish discharge. Nothing like it when I wipes but there was a little bit spot of brighter blood (way smaller then a dime like barely any!)

I did lose part of my musics plug back at 31 weeks but it wasn’t bloody. I have been contracting on and off for days and no sex as I’m on pelvic rest till 37 weeks.

Figured I’ll monitor this for now as baby is moving like usual and I’m in no pain currently. Fingers crossed we are Dilating as I was told my cervix is very soft a week ago!!

Little update: spotting has turned to bright red, still a super small amount but it was on a new pantry liner! Going to try and sleep some more and see what’s happening when I get up !