Nothing is good enough

Nothing is good enough for him.

I could plan the best day ever and we have fun but at the end of the day he finds things to complain.

Today i planned a picnic, made all the food while he was still sleeping and then woke him up with ready breakfast waiting, we had fun on the picnic but when it came time to go home he started complaining about how we didn't explore the park enough and now all we do is go home.

Usually he complains that he has to make his own lunch for work (always leaves it for last minute before going to bed), i usually make it to end his complains. He refuses to eat anything else than sandwiches while i make myself proper lunch for work..

He has depression and anxiety but so do i. I cope much better than him but it's really wearing me out hear complaining every day about how life is so stupid and he hates going to work. I try to cheer him and tell him it's not all that bad but it's like this every day.

Any help or relate? I feel like i could go to moon and back and he'd still be complaining in the evening