My husband is in mourning

meg • 2 🐈, 1 🐶. 👰🤵30-7-16. 🧒🏼 Tess 02-12-17. 👶🏻 Kira 15-10-20

We have a 2.5 year old daughter and this is our last baby. We did our gender reveal today. Super fun balloon popping game. The game revealed we are having another girl 🎀. I was legitimately surprised as I had no real in inclination one way or the other. On the video my husband says he’s happy. But after I asked how he really felt and he’s disappointed. He had his heart set on a boy. His best friend and his wife were over and I heard my husband saying things like, “we’ll be paying for 2 weddings” and “girls are expensive”, as well as “time to raise them as power lesbians so they won’t change their name!” His friend tried comfort him saying he’s a gentle soul and it’s good for girl dads. After they left I asked if he was ok and he said, “No. Not really. I need some time.”

I feel awful. My heart hurts for him. I know it’s not my fault and there’s nothing I could have done, but I don’t even know what to say. He’s being very sweet to our daughter but seems mad at me or something. I don’t know.

I get it. I have friends with multiple kids of the same sex and there’s always some thoughts of what could have been. I just wish I could make it better for him.

Signed, Girl Mom